Technical Assistance to The Joint Services Council of Tubas (T-JWSSC) Al Yamoun (JSCJWV) and Maythaloun (M-JWSSC)
Funded by AFD and EU, Nexus North Project intends to provide support in the three areas of Tubas, Al Yamoun and Maythaloun. The aim is to assist the concerned JSC of Tubas and Al-Yamoun: (T-JWSSC and JSCJWV) in their new responsibilities for North Nexus Project implementation and management, capacity building to enhance their performance and sustainability, and to support the implementation of the water reform.
The Nexus North project includes the following activities:
- Infrastructure water and sanitation works with the main objectives to secure drinking water production capacity, extend and optimize water and wastewater service;
- Symbiotic and hybrid RE electricity generation system (solar and wind) and related installation works to serve Tubas water infrastructures;
- Institutional support and technical assistance to JSC to strengthen their capacity to operate and maintain infrastructure, and to support the implementation of sectoral reform.