Our approach
- Environmental protection, water management and wastewater recycling
PWEG works with the poorest and most marginalized people in Palestine, providing them with practical solutions to address water scarcity, improve water security and develop effective solid waste management schemes. PWEG’s specialist area is recycled wastewater. We make sure the improvements we make to water supply and sanitation services across the West Bank deliver permanent, sustainable benefits to their users.
- Advocacy for the adoption of best environmental practices
PWEG is a key player in several working groups and committees for the formulation and adoption of adequate water and environmental management standards in communities and governorates of Palestine. We campaign and engage decision-makers to improve access to water and sanitation in Palestine.
- Instituional capacity building
PWEG is a leader in institutional capacity building of the water, wastewater and solid waste sectors in Palestine. We support the authorities mandated to deliver services to develop tailored strategies, based on strong governance, financial and technical systems, to reach all of their citizens with sustainable water and sanitation services. We work with local government, national government, local private sector and community groups. We deliver this through training courses and seminars, sharing knowledge and best practice through our pool of experts.